Practical Recycling Tips for Your Bathroom

Recycling old materials in your residential bathroom can seem challenging, but the practice can be highly beneficial. In simple terms, if you are diligent in recycling, you will minimise the cumulative quantity of rubbish ending up in a landfill. Also, the collected materials will be used in industrial and manufacturing, reducing the strain on natural resources. Unfortunately, most people do not understand the right practices for recycling the old waste. Here are simple tips to help enhance your recycling efforts in your bathroom.

Place a Recycling Bin

You should have a small bin for collecting recyclable garbage in your bathroom. You can place this container next to your primary trash can. One of the common reasons for failure in bathroom recycling can be attributed to mixing the waste. Often, people will mix the materials and hope to remember to separate before collection and disposal of residential waste. Unfortunately, most people forget and everything ends up in the trash bag. You can avoid this issue by having a dedicated bin in your bathroom for recycling purposes.

Check Your Items

You should check the different products in your bathroom and determine the right materials for recycling and those intended for disposal. If you are keen in your assessment, you can collect significant amounts of recyclable waste. You should check the packaging of different products before making your decision. In general, most make-up packaging and container, shampoo and detergent plastic bottles and cans of hair products can be recycled.

Rinse the Bottles

You should not place your empty bottles and containers into your recycling bin carelessly. It is important to ensure that the container is empty before placing it into your bin. In general, you should make sure that the last of the product is completely used before considering it to be waste. Do not waste the last bit of product. Then, you should rinse the bottles with some clean water. This practice is beneficial for shampoo, body wash, detergent and dispensing bottles. If there is some product remaining at the bottom of your bottle, you should pour in clean water and use the final material before rinsing and recycling.

Take Note of Hazardous Waste

You should be careful when handling hazardous waste. You should not place containers which were used to hold dangerous materials into your recycling bin. For example, if you have an old caustic cleaner, aerosol cans of pesticides or old bulbs in your bathroom, you should handle them according to the local regulations to avoid contaminating your recyclables and the environment.
